Job offer
See the vacancy at the KU Leuven jobsite.
(ref. ZAP-2021-124)
A full-time tenure track academic position is available in the field of probabilistic nowcasting and forecasting of extreme precipitation for impact-based warning systems (research profile EXPRIMA - Prf -2021-38). It is a vacancy as an independent academic staff (50%) at KU Leuven and workleader (50%) at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB) within the framework of the FED-tWIN research programme. The FED-tWIN programme is a federal research programme to support sustainable cooperation between the ten Federal Scientific Institutions (FSI) which fall under Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO) and the eleven Belgian universities The 50% KU Leuven academic tenure track position is at the Science, Engineering and Technology Group, Faculty of Engineering Science, Department of Civil Engineering, Hydraulics and Geotechnics Section. The 50% work leader position is at the RMIB, Observations scientific service and Weather Modelling and Applications unit. Place of Employment: * Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB), Avenue Circulaire 3, 1180 Uccle, Belgium¨ * KU Leuven, Department of Civil Engineering, Hydraulics and Geotechnics Section, Kasteelpark Arenberg 40, 3001 Leuven, Belgium. The Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium is a federal scientific institute that provides meteorological services. It is the national data, research and knowledge center for weather, climate and geophysics. RMIB operates in a context of international cooperation. The scientific research of the RMIB is aimed at supporting, innovating and ensuring the continuity of its public missions. These include the provision of general weather forecasts and warnings of dangerous weather conditions, climate monitoring, the collection, verification and archiving of meteorological and geophysical data, the management of the necessary infrastructure and model development. Regarding seamless prediction, there is a strong collaboration with national meteorological services with similar activities, such as MeteoSwiss, FMI Finland, KNMI and ZAMG Austria. There are also links with the projects SARWS (novel and opportunistic data sources), CSMASK (crowdsourced data for high-resolution atmospheric modelling), and the FED-tWIN projects AIM (Artificial Intelligence in Meteorological Applications), and DEEP (Deep learning combined with physical modelling for weather, climate and geophysics applications). RMIB also has strong climate research expertise, cooperates actively with the federal crisis center, the regional hydrological services (VMM, HIC, BIM/IBGE, SBGE, SPW/DGO2, SPW/DG03) and the regional road management services. KU Leuven’s Hydraulics and Geotechnics Section has international core expertise in statistical analysis and stochastic modelling of rainfall and hydrological extremes, extreme value analysis, statistical downscaling, impact of rainfall and climate variability and change on hydrological extremes. The Section moreover focuses on impact analysis on river and urban floods, droughts/low flows/water availability, along coast and estuaries by means of hydrological and hydraulic impact models, risk analysis, real-time forecasting and control, and uncertainty analysis. The group has strong collaborations/connections with regional hydrological services, water management authorities and stakeholders. At the international level, members of the group are actively involved in the European Water Association, the International Water Association (IWA) & International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) - Commission for Hydrology (CHy), the EUMETSAT H-SAF Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management, etc. They moreover contribute to several EU projects. KU Leuven is partner in the H2020 project “PRECINT – Preparedness and resilience enforcement for critical infrastructure cascading cyberphysical threats and effects with focus on district or regional protection”, was work package leader on “extreme weather disasters” in the recently completed H2020 project BRIGAID on climate adaptation, was a core partner in the recently finished H2020 project on extreme rainfall services in the context of climate change, was work package leader in the EU Interreg project RainGain on radar based extreme rainfall and urban flood nowcasting, was chairing for several years the International Working Group on Urban Rainfall (IGUR), etc. In the project PLURISK for the Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo), KU Leuven cooperated with RMIB on urban rainfall and pluvial flood risk nowcasting.
You develop a research programme at an international level in the field of probabilistic nowcasting and forecasting of extreme precipitation for impact-based warning systems. This research aims to provide seamless prediction of extreme meteorological conditions, to overcome the challenges of assimilating high-resolution and novel meteorological observations at convection-permitting spatial scales, to leverage probabilistic ensemble predictions, generate flood and drought impact-based warnings, and advise stakeholders in the integration of probabilistic forecasts with their exposure and vulnerability information to develop effective crisis management, prevention, relief and information strategies. To achieve these research goals, you will leverage the RMIB’s knowledge of meteorological modelling and KU Leuven’s expertise on impact modelling, as well as the shared expertise on machine learning, meteorological observations, probabilistic methods and stochastic modelling of meteorological extremes to fully exploit probabilistic forecasts for impact-based warnings. You will collaborate closely with the RMIB-VUB research team on AI in weather and climate (“DEEP” FED-tWIN).
To effectively reduce death, injuries and damages due to extreme precipitation and drought events, the warnings need to estimate both the severity of the impact and the associated uncertainties. You will accomplish this by applying integrative approach that considers the whole chain from the observations to the risk assessment for the end user, fully exploiting the probabilistic information at every step. This approach ensures that the uncertainties are correctly modelled and propagated through the highly nonlinear local flood and drought hydrological and hydraulic impact models. The impact results aim to deliver information that end users can combine with exposure and vulnerability maps to fully assess the risks and their probabilities. In order to meet the users’ evolving needs, you will work in continuous co-design with stakeholders.
For the first two years, you will perform research on high-resolution, short-term precipitation forecasting and the integration with efficient impact models. You will combine precipitation forecasts at very high temporal and spatial resolutions from the new seamless prediction system at RMIB with a fast, data-driven impact model for pluvial flooding at KU Leuven. This will allow you to build the foundations of a unique, novel short-term impact-based warning system with high scientific and societal relevance. You will start working on this research and project but will at the same time develop a research group on that theme, by attracting new funding and PhD scholarships. You will also contribute to educational and research coordination tasks and services to society as expected from a part-time professorship at KU Leuven.
You have access to high performance computing resources both at RMIB and KU Leuven.
You engage in targeted scientific research, resulting in PhD’s and publications that meet international standards and lead to broad international recognition.
As part of your research programme, you develop international partnerships, within the academic world as well as in close cooperation with industry to achieve industrial innovation and scientific output that adheres to the highest international standards.
You support or initiate a network of companies through the valorisation of research results and by delivering services to achieve technology transfer and application of the results of your research in industry/government/society.
You contribute to high-quality education within the programmes of the master in civil engineering – hydraulic engineering and the master of water resources engineering. The teaching load will be in accordance with a 50% employment at KU Leuven. You also contribute to the pedagogical project of the university through the supervision of master theses. You develop your teaching in accordance with KU Leuven's vision on activating and research-based education and make use of the possibilities for the educational professionalisation offered by the faculty and the university.
Proficiency in English is required.
The official language used at KU Leuven is Dutch. If you do not speak Dutch (or do not speak it well) at the start of employment, KU Leuven will provide language training to enable you to take part in meetings.
Before teaching courses in Dutch or English, you will be given the opportunity to learn Dutch, respectively English, to the required standard.
You will supervise and support PhD students and contribute to the preparation and management of new research projects. You will have a collaborative spirit and liaise with collaborators. You need to be able to organize and troubleshoot your work independently, document it thoroughly, communicate results and lead a team in a transparent and professional manner.
You are prepared to provide services to the scientific community, to society and to the university, with particular focus on services to government and industry in the context of the research profile, and on dissemination and outreach.
You will be responsible for setting a up a research to operations plan to valorise your research within RMIB and KU Leuven You will coordinate and oversee the correct implementation of this plan and take an active hands-on role when needed. You and your future team of researchers will also take part in the continuous development and validation of any operational products derived from your research.
You develop a strong network with stakeholders, from the crisis centre and the federal climate change service to end users such as local authorities (i.e., cities and municipalities) and sectors involved (i.e., agriculture and industry). Communication with these stakeholders, the scientific community and the public will be important. You will organize regular workshops with stakeholders from industry and the public sector to present and discuss the scientific advancements and identify end user needs. A proof-of-concept system may be shared with stakeholders to gather feedback and take into account their needs.
You have master’s and PhD degrees in atmospheric science, engineering science, physical science or mathematics. Your PhD degree should have been obtained no longer than 12 years before the date of application. The 12-year period is extended by one year for each maternity, parental and adoption leave of the candidate and for each long-term sick leave of the candidate or his/her immediate family.
You should have a strong scientific record, with a substantial number of publications and a broad international network. You should have experience in meteorological observation and/or forecasting. You must have strongprogramming skills in a scientific environment, be familiar with high performance computing software andtools, and be familiar with handling (observation or model) data sets. You shouldhave experience with modern software management, documentation and testingtools. You shouldhave experience with modern software management, documentation and testingtools.You should preferably have knowledge of stochastic modelling or ensemble systems and be familiar with statistical tools and validation methods such as probabilistic scores. Expertise in data-driven approaches and machine learning is an asset. Because the profile is situated between the fields of meteorological observations and water system impact modelling, proven experience in these two domains would be a benefit.
You moreover should have a strong interest in applying innovative research to the development of operational services, possess organisational skills and have a cooperative attitude. You also possess leadership competencies.
Within the FED-TWIN framework, we offer full-time employment in an intellectually challenging environment: half time at KU Leuven and half time at RMIB.
KU Leuven is a research-intensive, internationally oriented university that carries out both fundamental and applied scientific research. Our university is highly focused on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research and strives for international excellence. In this regard, the university actively works together with research partners in Belgium and abroad and provides its students with an academic education that is based on high-quality scientific research.
RMIB is a federal scientific institute that provides meteorological services. It is the national data, research and knowledge center for weather, climate and geophysics. The scientific research of the RMIB includes the provision of general weather forecasts and warnings of dangerous weather conditions, climate monitoring, the collection, verification and archiving of meteorological and geophysical data, the management of the necessary infrastructure and model development.
Because we are looking for junior researchers, at KU Leuven, you will be appointed for 50% on the tenure track for a period of 5 years. At the end of this period and a positive evaluation, you are permanently appointed (or tenured) for 50% as an associate professor. In Belgium, assistant professors are allowed to be main supervisor of a PhD and can autonomously apply as principal investigator for research grants. KU Leuven is offering financial resources to new professors to start up their own research lines. They can also apply for own project funding. At RMIB, you will be appointed for 50% on a permanent position as work leader (salary scale SW2).
To accelerate the research in the first phase, KU Leuven offers the possibility to apply for a starting grant of 100,000 euros.
Different extra-legal benefits are offered both at KU Leuven and RMIB:
- - Flexible schedule and possibility to work occasionally from home.
- - Refund of commuting expenses when using public transportation or bicycle.
- - Access to special advantages arranged for employees of the federal scientific institutions (e.g. possibility to follow trainings, free childcare in July/August.
- - The opportunity to interact with several world-class investigators at both institutions, as well as in Europe and abroad (through an established network and research consortia).
- - For the KU Leuven contract a salary in grade 14 is offered.
- - At RMIB, the salary will follow federal regulations for the scientific career in the SW2 scale (open-ended contract), with possibility to acquire a French-Dutch bilingualism bonus.
- - All relevant work experience (public + private sector) will be considered when determining seniority.
For more information please contact Prof. dr. ir. Patrick Willems, tel.: +32 16 32 16 58, mail: and prof. dr. Lesley De Cruz, FED-tWIN position promotor at RMIB, tel.: +32 2 373 05 42), mail:
For problems with online applying, please contact
Add to your application following documents in English (more information is available on the KU Leuven job site):
- - your biosketch in which you indicate your added value as an academic for research, education and service to society of your past career and of your future activities (maximum 2 pages);
- - a file on your five most important publications or realisations;
- - an extensive cv including a full publication list and if applicable a portfolio of your projects;
- - your research plan with focus on the development of your research line and research team in relation with the colleague-researchers of the entity of employment (maximum 4 pages);
- - your vision on academic education and its organisation (maximum 2 pages);
- - your contribution to society by outreach and public communication on science and technology, internal representation in boards and councils and service activities directly in relation to your developed expertise (maximum 1 page);
- - your vision on leadership (maximum 1 page).
KU Leuven and RMIB are committed to creating a diverse environment and are therefore equal opportunity employers. They explicitly encourage candidates from groups that are currently underrepresented at the university and institute to submit their applications.
KU Leuven and RMIB place great importance on research integrity and ethical conduct and will therefore ask you to sign an integrity statement upon appointment.
You can apply for this job no later than March 31, 2022 via the online application tool
KU Leuven seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or impairments. If you have any questions relating to accessibility or support, please contact us at